Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sadie: 8 Months

Strawberry Picking 2015

Sadie: Week 37

* Size 2 diapers. Size 6, 6 - 9 and 9 month clothes.
* Takes two great naps: 2 hours in the morning (9:30) and 1 in the afternoon (2). If she falls asleep in the car seat, Sadie will immediately wake up once the engine turns off.
* Sleeps 8 - 7 at night.
* Does't quietly play; Sadie is actively searching for new activities.
* Cold/cough again. Never endig.
* Weighs 16 lbs 10.3 oz.
* Fights nap for awhile, wrestles with her sleep owl before passing out. Likes to stand up in crib.
* Strawberry picking with Mimi. A little wet.

G - Day 2015

It was a pretty day outside but the girls weren't too thrilled with the game. The day started with a long (over an hour) drive to Athens that usually takes under 30 minutes. We missed lunch with friends due to long drive and ended up eating CFA at the student center. Emma was whiny and Sadie was sleepy by this point. I ended up taking Sadie to the concession area so that we could get out of the sun. She took a good nap in my arms. Emma ended up having a fever of 102 that night.

Sadie: Week 36

* Size 6, 6 - 9 and 9 month clothes. Size 2 diapers.
* Naps and sleeping are going great; sometimes it takes Sadie a few minutes of crawling, sitting and standing before falling asleep.
* Pulls everything out of drawers and off of shelves.
* While playing with a bucket of water outside, Sadie decides to go bobbing for apples. Not afraid to put her face in water!
* Playdate with the Smith's
* Have to watch Emma like a hawk; she tends to play with and get into things she isn't supposed to: fireplace, wires, tv stand, cabinets, dishwasher.
* Another set of colds this week for the girls. Constantly sick! Emma had a high fever of 103.8 but Tylenol took care of it!
* Gday

Easter 2015

Easter was fun! We started out by crafting and dyeing eggs earlier in the week, which Emma enjoyed. Visited the Easter bunny (no tears and no smile from Sadie). Went to Grayson's Easter egg hunt - disaster because the parents were getting the eggs before the children so most kids ended up with 1 egg or so. Emma had fun with her one egg but it would be nice if the adults/parents allowed the children to race for the eggs! Went to Aunt Cindy's on Saturday, then had Easter lunch on Sunday. Emma's favorite part was Easter egg hunting! Took the girls to Easter Mass on Sunday morning. Only the cry room was available. The girls survived, with Emma saying that she didn't like church - we'll work on that!

Sadie: Week 35

* Size 2 diapers. 3-6, 6, 6 - 9 month clothes
* Weighs 16 lbs 2.7 ounces.
* Enjoys standing in the cozy coupe.
* Still crawling around and pulling up. No new major milestone this week.
* Pulling up on everything and crawling everywhere.
* Easter mass with the girls: Sat in the cry room since it was full. Girls did great, although Emma said that she didn't like church hallway
* Easter bunny pictures. No tears.
* Cheerios
* Lots of playing outside. swinging.
* Enjoyed chasing around the plastic eggs.
* Booked Sadie's birthday party at the splash pad.