Sunday, March 11, 2012

Emma: Week 4

Time is flying by & Emma is more & more alert each day. During this past week, Emma has started to "talk" and is interacting with us a little more. She has given both Greg & I smiles as well.

* Emma went with us to vote for the Republican primary and got a sticker - she slept the entire time.
* Still wearing NB diapers and clothes, although I have put her in a few 0 - 3 month clothes. (She has gone through 2 large boxes + 116 NB diapers. When she runs out, we are going up to size 1.
* Big news: we went to get weighed on Wednesday: Emma weighed 8lbs 9oz, gaining 12oz in a week. We won't go back to the doctor until late April, for her 2 month check-up!
* Pumping is going well - I'm just pumping once a day, in the morning, to start building up a supply.
* Sleeping is going well. Emma slept a 5 hour stretch one night this week, but mostly she sleeps 3 - 4 hour stretches.
* Her awake period is lasting longer and longer, although some days she sleeps for longer stretches than others. She can be awake for several hours at a time. 

Emma is a very easygoing baby. I can lay her in the crib, while she is awake, and she will chill and look around for about 15 minutes. Over the weekend, we took her to Athens, where we walked around downtown before heading to dinner. I had to feed her once, in the truck; she never was fussy and slept through our dinner. She enjoys playtime and looking around at everything.

Greg and I are looking forward to taking Emma to Savannah for her very first St. Patrick's Day parade!

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